Sunday, February 06, 2005

Braces Article

This will be not so much a long, current blog , but instead a posting of an article that I wrote a veryyyyyy long time ago (well, last year) when I was angry about the sudden popularity of UGGs (click there if you want to burn your eyes). And I hate UGGs. So...if you like them, I hope you'll either a) forgive me or b) realize that UGGs are actually not an amazing fashion. I should have probably elaborated on this article some more, but for now this will do. Actually, I have been trying since last year to get some people together and publish a zine called ByLine... plain name , I know, but I came up with it a while ago when I couldn't think of anything and I haven't been able to part with it yet. The project has been hanging over my head ever since. I've tried getting people to come up with articles, and they have, but they can't seem to be able to write them down and hand them to me. If anybody wants to write an article feel free! Oh, and by the way, all the people in the plays were good! I had a great time...its so wierd that it was the last Middle School Play I'll ever be in. Anyways, I'll probably post again later because I am now addicted and I'm not sure if you can really count this as a post since I'm at the moment just having to copy and paste something while eating Nan bread and hummus out of the container for breakfast.

Fashion or Dental Appliance?
By Julia

Everywhere I go, I see braces on everyone. I also have braces. I bet for every UGG boot there are two kids with braces. And now I’m starting to think:
Are braces becoming a fad?
Sure, originally they were dental appliances used to keep people’s teeth straight, but maybe now they’ve been turned into something people use to be cool and make money, like Jessica Simpson being stupid. Is this all some sort of mastermind plan for orthodontists to make themselves hip amongst today’s preteens? Because that would be quite sad. And pathetic.
Well let’s think about it. What is (unfortunately) one of the hottest things out there right now?
UGG Boots.
And once I had thought about I realized UGGs and braces actually have a lot in common. They both come in a variety of colors, although why someone would want to wear bubble-gum pink sheep on their feet is beyond me. Both are also very expensive. Who knew how much money we could make our parents spend on a possible fashion masked as a way to keep our teeth healthy?
Furthermore, both are high maintenance. Braces, because they attached to teeth, they must be cleaned. This is so that one’s teeth don’t become stained and don’t start walking around with gunk in their mouth, although sadly some people still just don’t get it.. They also must be changed so that they don’t stop working. UGGs need to be cleaned, except with some sort of specialty soap. Uggs also must be changed regularly, but not for health. They are changed so that UGG owner’s outfits won’t clash.
What kind of world are we living in? Do these similarities mean that we’ll be stuck with UGGs as long as we’ve been stuck with braces?
Over time, its seems that braces have made the transformation from unfashionable to fashionable. It is my hope that UGGs suffer the opposite fate.



Blogger Sharpie said...

I concurr.

Braces suck, UGGs suck, and both are ugly. And pointless.

February 6, 2005 at 2:41 PM  

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