Friday, July 28, 2006


I am so sorry about not posting this entire cost money to go to an internet cafe and I didn't realize this computer was here until a few days ago. I have been so busy getting frappe lattes from Caffe Nero and memorizing random Shakespeare lines that I haven't posted since then either.

It is so much fun here. I've met incredible people from all over the place - Singapore, Dominican Republic, Vancouver, the Virgin Islands, Austria, etc.

I can't say that much about it right now because I have to go the formal debate at the Cambridge Union soon, but expect a billion posts about it when I get back...and many stories.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Take A Load Off, Sinbad

Okay, so because I'm so friendly and I don't mind going up to people to ask them questions, directions, etc. I have had a very strange small world incedent.

Before school ended, I had a history assignment to portray two of the Sinbad tales. C'mon, you know this guy - Sindbad the Sailor Man? Ring any bells?

Anyway, my group decided to make a movie. It ended up being a big hit in our class, especially my...uh...rendition of "The Weight" by The Band. For the chorus of the song, we had filmed people saying "Take A Load Off, Sinbad." However, when I decided we should go up to this one lady playing guitar (badly) wearing acid wash overalls in Washington Square, she basically screamed it in our faces. And then we ran away.

So, now about two months later, I was walking down the street walking Cora, and I see HER. AND SHE LIVES IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Two Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed

Sorry. My cousin Alex, who is 4, kept singing that when I visited this week.

Boy, did I pick a good time not to go back to camp in Pennsylvania. I would have been underwater by now, seriously. I'm too slow of a runner to escape the rain. Not to mention that when it rains at my old camp, camp sucked. They'd pack us all into tiny halls and make us watch bad blockbusters from one of the counselor's DVD stash or make us play weird "rainy day" games. In my first year, I had to run back across the entire camp to my cabin from the last rehearsal for the play, right before a tree branch came down right in front of our cabin.

Speaking of camp, I saw my friend Anna today. I am so horrible at keeping in touch with people, it's pathetic. It's not that I don't like the people I meet, in fact I really like most of them. However, I have kept in touch with her, and it was great. She goes to Stuy now, so she's one of my only friends who I don't have to explain in detail how to navigate the labyrinth of Battery Park.

I haven't written for a little bit again because after my last post I got kinda dissapointed because I don't think anyone read it...I guess I need to do a little more PR. After all, I hadn't posted until last month since last August.

I can't believe I leave in 5 days. My mom and I had to desperately search for a good, loud travel alarm clock because I can sleep through ANYTHING. Phones ringing next to my head, drilling next door, you name it. The only thing that has seemed to have had an impact is using my iPod alarm clock to blast Motown at 7 AM.

Most Disgusting Recent Experience: Sitting in a train car with NO AIR CONDITIONING in 9o degree weather on leather seats coming back from funeral on Long Island, only to walk out into Penn Station. Ugh, I hate the heat. I've had hot flashes since I was four years old, no joke.

"One fell off and bumped his head..."

Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's Offical: Addicted to Nutella, Despite the Rehab

So, Cambridge was fun. And rainy. And more rainy. Ugh, the weather was so awful. The school told all of the graduates to wear garbage bags underneath their graduation gowns so that the black and red wouldn't bleed through to their clothes because it was just so incredibly wet. Yet, I made it all better for myself by eating basically an entire container of Nutella with my cousin Lisa by dipping Tostitos in it. MMMM. I also led a dance craze until about three o'clock in the morning, courtesy of my iPod "skillz."

However: I did get yelled at for a strange reason (to me, at the time anyway). I had been watching TV, and our hostess had wanted me to put Sex and the City on, so I did. Soon, it was 11:00, and it was a COMMERCIAL, so I decided to change it to The Daily Show. But then, she yelled at me for it even though she had already seen the episode, and everybody thought I was being rude. I didn't get it.

I am ubersunburned and it hurts like hell. I've never been this sunburned. I look like football player who experimented with blush using a metal pole. That doesn't really make sense in writing, but it does when you see my face. Even the little girl, Alexandra, who I was babysitting today, pointed it out.

Alexandra: When I go to the pool, I put on sunblock.
Me (realizing what she is talking about): Yeah, I made a mistake. I forgot to put more after I got out of the pool.
Alexandra: I don't forget to put more on!
Me: ...

She's so funny, I love her. She is obsessed with Disney Princesses memorabilia, changes her clothes between Princess costumes about every ten seconds, loves pink, and has a sweet little voice, but she has a pretty morbid imagination for a four and a half -year-old. I was trying to be nice when we were playing "doctor" and was saying that the baby would be okay as long as it took some medicine, but when it was my turn she said, "You have really high blood pressure, and now to give you shot to pump your blood out, or you will die." Then, she decided to play Peter Pan and decided that I was put in a magical rope and couldn't get out while she went off to fight Captain Hook, until she decided that she had been eaten alive by an orca whale and had died, and that I couldn't save her because I was still tied up and the magical puppy had died with her. Oops. (The same thing happened to the Little Mermaid, poor mergirl.)

Nothing much else has happened lately, but I think I'm going to see Shakespeare in the Park, which is Macbeth this year, on Thursday with Dez.

P.S. Dr. John (!!) is playing a free concert by my house on June 28th, and Amy Rigby is playing on the 30th, and July 4th Belle and Sebastian is going to play. (and no, I am not wrong to write "is" because it is the name of single band. HAH.) I won't be around in July, but I think there are a bunch more then too ( I think Little Feat is playing?). Anyways, check it out.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Gosh, don't you know I've been practicing my punting?

That's not the real reason I haven't blogged, there really isn't one in particular. I have now officially blogged for the first time in a little less than a year. It feels strange...I was two years younger when I started my blog. Now, I'm restarting it. Hopefully, I can keep it going long enough to have an "overseas" blog while I'm at camp and y'all can check up on my goings-on. Sorry if this isn't the most hilarious and/or interesting blog post I've ever done, I need to get back into the flow.

Public Announcement: If anyone out there reading this watches Lost, I share your pain in waiting until September. ABC is evil, and apparently has four toes. I was watching the first episode of the season again on Wednesday, and it was bizarre remembering how clueless (and freaked out) I was during the first five minutes of Desmond montage.

There are so many endings at the moment: the school year, the seniors graduating, my cousin graduating from Harvard Law (woohoo!), dance class, television seasons. Speaking of dance class, the routine on Sunday ended up great, except for the minor drawback of looking like a grandma trying to go back to her days as a swing dancer who put on her makeup in the dark. There was, however, the miracle of being able to get my hair to stick down because of a gel tsunami and the help of dancer/helper, whom I actually recognized from that new VH1 dating show. Afterward, I took the subway with the mama and got some Mama Buddha and about six new books to read for the summer. As for the high school graduation, Donovan Hohn's speech was great.

As for finals, my essays really did rock. I was going to use the dialogue between Lady Macbeth and Antigone for acting on Saturday because I didn't have anything else, but there ended up not being any time. Marcel was off getting married, so instead we had Adam trying to get people to "release their chi" in fold-up chairs. The only final I probably could have done better on was Geometry, but at least I still have a good full year grade.

Funkadelicness: I was looking through some stuff on my dad's computer, and I found these ridiculously insane nasal-voiced recordings I made of myself (with Dara's accompaniment) that I made about 5 years ago. They are so bizarre, especially since I'm hearing myself has a 10 year old, singing about a stapler. Well, not so much "singing" exactly. It's more just me rambling on a rhyming things, except for the rubber ducky song which is AWESOME. The stapler song goes: It's a stapler and it's on my desk/It's the stapler and it's on my desk. + handclaps. See, ridiculously weird.

This week I'll be away in Cambridge (the Massachusets one), and hopefully I'll see some of my cousin's friends who I like if I can survive the car ride there as my aunt tries to navigate the MapQuest directions that she yelled for. It's funny, one of my last posts before my uh, hiatus, was about Cambridge. Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge. Maybe I'll go to Newbury Comics again.

My next post WILL be better, that's a promise. Damn straight.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Duck Sauce, Paper Cutters, and Freaks

Two days ago was my last day of photography class, and we had an "exhibition." It was fun, and I really just want to be in a darkroom again. I had to go print-crazy in the last few hours since there were still a lot of photos that I had wanted to print. We all ate Planet Sushi and spotted our pictures and set up "Crackers and Cheese," and thankfully Lia did not have the urge to end up making her moldy apple juice from 1993.

Here are a few photos, I'll put some more up later:

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This is a photo I took of a little girl with a broken arm having a tantrum. It is one of my favorites.

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Fire escape. I liked the pattern.

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A Cigar Store Native American in China Town.

The quality isn't that good on the web, but I figure it is good enough for now.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

In the swim

Alrighty, I promised to myself (and a few others) that I would atleast try to restart my blog. So here it goes:

I got back from camp about a week ago, it was great, even with the restrictions because of my hand (no grasping too hard, no putting to much weight on it, no heavy lifting, no throwing my wrist back). BUT, I kept myself busy with being in the play: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and I played Willy Wonka. Woohoo! They made me sing- it was hilarious. Hannah is convinced that Willy Wonka was actually my father. There is so much camp stuff, I have no idea what story I would tell. Here is a picture from the play (a.k.a. highwaisted green pants that button straight up the front, a purple suede oversized jacket...quite fashionable.)

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So anyway, I'm going to start of a photography course next week (YAY!), so be on the lookout for pictures from that as well.

I have decided that I love vermillion, especially my new vermillion jacket that I bought at a flea market with Renata and Veronica (while desperately searching for a yellow Sweetart). Wheeee!

I finally saw the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I thought it was okay. And Frankie, I think you were right about Johnny Depp being more feminine than I was. (Except for his stature. At camp, they kept on trying to teach me to stand like a man.)

I went to the eye doctor yesterday, and I finally asked about contacts. I want to get them, but I'm just not sure. I really love glasses and the ones that I have, but at the same time it is annoying when I have to take them off during amusements parks and have to hold on to someone so that I don't bump into a water slide, or have to keep pushing them back up my nose during a performance. I can't decide, but thats normal- I'm so indecisive (for example, spending 20 minutes with my other indecisive friend saying "What do you want to do?). Anyways, they had me do a contact lense fitting and had me practice putting one in. In short, I was a total spaz...I couldn't get it in except once. I'm supposed to come back next week.

P.S. I don't know if the date will show up correctly, I wrote it on 8/2/05. Also, the title is part of something I am going to try: Use a different cliché for every title, hopefully corresponding to the entry, courtesy of my copy of the Facts on File Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer. I don't know if it is a good idea, just thought I'd try it out.