Tuesday, February 08, 2005

"World History Is The History Of The World"

Subtitle: Two Periods ( Physics/World History) In The Life Of An FS Ninth Grader

Ok, so today was the much anticipated visiting day for the eighth graders to go visit the high school It ended up being not that exciting, I knew some stuff already about what they were studying in history, and I think I understood Physics. Actually, I thought it was pretty easy even though the Teacher Man (that is what I will call him since I don't know his name. Something with a hyphen...by the way...for the those of you don't know this already ususally people I dont know I call Man-Lady, Lady-Woman, or something else in this case like Teacher-Man [ or woman]. My friend is very used to me calling his [ex?] girlfriend Lady-Woman since I am not aquainted with her or know her name. ) said that it was supposed to be "one of the most confusing days of the year"...something about special relativity. Of course, then when I spoke about it later during break before Latin a person in my grade who I will elaborate upon later and who I shall call Raging Bull-y #1 after I said that it seemed easy said "YOU THOUGH WHAT WAS EASY???"

Me: Physics...
RB1: Ughhhh....(turns back to her friend/notfriend and mutters something that looked at first like it was directed towards me)
Me: Huh, sorry I couldn't hear you. What did you say?
Other Person: She said -
RB1: NOTHING! I said nothing...
Me: Um...ok...so what did you think of Physics class?
RB1: No comment!!!

You see, this person is VERY competitive with me...well, not just me, everyone for different aspects, but with me particularly in academics...which I find hilarious because I am a very not competitive person. I don't know why, but I just don't have any sort of innate drive to defeat people in anything. I swear, they better never draft me in a war , because I'd probably walk out there and say "Ok, so you know, I'm not gonna try and fight you...so heres all my supplies and ammo...I have to go watch reruns of Dead Like Me and listen to music, so I'll se y'all later." Plus the fact that I have no physical skill whatsoever, and very little coordination ( I am not ashamed to say that I cannot walk in a straight line). RB1, however, is veryyyy sporty, which probably just further fuels this need to beat me. RB1 is always trying to get me to fight with them, or compel me to focus less on doing well for myself and more on being better than them. Not to mention that RB1just kinda teases me in general. But what gets on their nerves is that they can't get to me. So now, to try and prevent arguments I say "I'm not telling you what grade I got...stop asking! BIOTCH!" Except for the biotch part, cuz i'm not gutsy enough...oh well. Sometimes I wish I were gutsier. I think I've definitely improved on the take no-bullshit thing, but I still think there's more room for that...I'm not saying I want to be a bitch, I just don't want to be somebody else's ever.

Oh , and by the way, if someone from my school can guess who RB1 is, I would appreciate some not-telling-to-that-person, if you can understand that oh-so-vague request. (This is what I mean by possibly needing to be gutsier, you can comment if you think I do or not, feel free)

The only person who thinks I'm a bit competitive is Mr. Byrne, but he kinda tends to figure out things that you don't even know, so I guess maybe I am in English...(since I do want to be a writer) maybe I am just repressing my secret desire to become a pro sport player. Hah...in your dreams....I hate the superbowl!

I finished this book, and I liked it. Sort of disturbing though, but I think I sort of knew that the first time I saw it. That's the reason I picked it up...the cover sort of jumped out at me and sort of held me there for second...looking at little boy with a box over his head, looking at the title, and then wondering "where are the scissors?" Now I'm starting another book, something about spleening his mother.

I have to go because I'm leaving to see 12 Angry men...with my dad, sounds like him and his friends. HAH.


Blogger Sharpie said...

Oh, man, Running with Scissors was just plain not that cool. You want some cool gay memoir, you pick up some David Sedaris. Or some cool whatever memoir. Or some cool.

Your physics teacher was John Garnevicus. I know because I had him for two classes in ninth grade and have him for two other classes now. He's awesome.

February 8, 2005 at 8:06 PM  
Blogger Rena san said...

12 Angry men!!! you rock my sox! You definentaly don't need to worry about your gutsyness. That's definentally something in you that i've allways admired... and failed to have myself. i no what you mean about understanding their classes and stuff- just read my blog. I think i know this "RB1." have fun at the 12 angry men thing!

February 8, 2005 at 9:17 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

sharpie, i know that it wasn't that cool, and i have read david sedaris books. they're hilarious.

February 8, 2005 at 11:02 PM  
Blogger Frankie said...

Here was my problem with Running with Scissors: It made for an entertaining read, but the whole time I was reading it, I couldn't stop wondering: "Is it true?" I had the sneaking suspicion that Augusted Burroughs was making it all up, just for attention -- kind of like David Pelzer and his heinous A Child Called "It" racket.

I never have that problem when I read Sedaris. His stories are wacky, yes, but they go deeper than that. In a way, it doesn't matter if they're true, because they just are true on a very profound level -- emotionally true. Whenever I read him, I always think: "Yes! That's exactly how people act! He's got it exactly right!" I didn't have that sense of recognition after I read Running with Scissors; I just felt kind of dirty.

Your Physics teacher John Garnevicus is my Astronomy teacher this year, and I have a HUGE crush on him. Sorry I missed you today! I stayed home to wallow in my own laryngitis. Maybe I'll catch you tomorrow.

February 8, 2005 at 11:13 PM  
Blogger Harris Wolf said...

Haha... I don't know you at all... but frankie likes you and I can see why.

*Grin* keep on being cool.

February 9, 2005 at 12:01 PM  

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