Friday, February 11, 2005

Oh My Goodness, I'm Not Katie!

Also known as "Escapades in a Busy Startbucks with Renata."

First , I just want to say that Twelve Angry Men ( I mean the play, not the movie, although that is good too) was good! It was interesting though, because none of the characters had names, they didn't face the audience all the time, and it was all really relative. This was sort of interesting because one's own opinions/prejudices could play in when one is watching it. I got to meet some of the actors afterwards, which was fun. The only thing that kind of was wierd was the old detective movie music in the beginning of the movie that I couldn't tell if it was recorded or not. But, before the play started when I was upstairs with all these panel people the guy who was in charge started giving some back story on the play and he was talking about how it was sort of the beginning of "slice of life" style or something like that, and then he described it as "verisimilitude!!" That snapped me back awake, since I wasn't really supposed to be listening anyway.

On a different note, I really don't like lying...I don't know why. I'm not saying that I've never lied, but I usually tell the person soon afterwards. I can't help it. So I can't help getting aggravated when other people lie to me, which I guess is sort of a problem. The thing is , the goodness of truth is relative. When is it better to be honest? When is better to bend the truth? I really don't know, but I just would rather have someone tell me that they don't like me than lie to me about it. It sounds like it would make me feel bad about myself or something, but I would feel worse if I wasting time being with those people when I could be haning out with people who like me. I don't know if I explained this very well
That is all some stuff I wrote yesterday. I couldn't finish it or post it 'cause my mom got mad and started yelling that I should go to sleep.

So, to continue and to explain the title here is the story that I promised Renata I would write about:

Cut to Renata and I, standing in the Starbucks near the B&N by school. We both decided to get hot cocoas, but when we say our order, the guy asks for my initials. I don't go into this starbucks very often, so I sort of mutter under my breath "J.D."

Next: We wait for our cocoa and when the cups that are the same size and shape that they are supposed to be come the woman yells out what sounds like "K.D.!" Renata and I laugh it off, assuming they misunderstood.

Then: Renata and I are drinking our "cocoa" and I complain about how the candy she gave me screwed with my taste buds so it now tastes minty. Renata says that hers tastes like coffee. I take hers and look at the little sticker and realize that it says "Decaf Latte." Oops! I tell her that they gave her the wrong dirnk, but THEN I look at the name it was for : Katie. Not J.D., Not K.D., it there in black ink "Katie."

Me: Renata! You took someones else drink by accident. Oops!
Renata: Really?!
Me: Yea...that's wierd, since they got mine right.

However, I then look at my drink sticker thing and read "Peppermint Mocha. Katie."

Me: Shit!

Cut to : Renata and I cracking up and running FAR FAR AWAY from the starbucks, just in case some lady woman named Katie came out with a crowbar looking for her mocha.

Tonight was the DISC dance, and it was pretting boring other then dancing to a few good songs (which were at an extreme lack this time), watching the oh-so-entertaining dance duet courtesy of Travis and Gabbi, and reuniting with Gabe and Nora. Nora is really cool, she might be going to my school. Gabe is awesome, he has a different hair color every time I see him. Last time it was blue and purple, this is time it was bright orange, paired with a blue ruffled shirt. Zelda was also there, she decided to crash it. But otherwise, it wasn't that exciting. I have to write a six page paper this weekend, about autism and the nervous system....its really interesting, but it might take me a while.


Blogger Rena san said...

yay!!! me!!! Yeah... that was funny. 12 angry men is such a good movie.

February 13, 2005 at 9:33 PM  
Blogger Sharpie said...

I bet you secretly are Katie. Bwhahaha.

February 14, 2005 at 7:05 PM  

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