Thursday, March 03, 2005

"Shop Here, Die Happy!"

That was the poster for a really cool shop in Cambridge called Newbury Comics...Yea, I went there last weekend. I haven't blogged in the while because I was very sick and afraid I would pass out on tto the keyboard and drool or something and electrocute myself or something. Not that it would actually happen, but hey, Ya Never Know!

And so, I had to suffer an entire six hour car ride twice with none other than Aunt Karen. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but she just either talks on the phone or gets angry. Or tells me I need a sport or else I won't get a college education. She's obsessed with that. Really. The rest of the weekend consisted of Martha (who we visited) making her infamous Cosmopolitans, making duct tape wallets, and getting lost in Harvard Square. And arguing about Harry Potter with law students. It was so funny, they were all saying "No, I'M HERMIONE!" "Nuh uh girl, I AM!" "No, she's like me in eighth grade when I found out about hair gel! She's ME!" when I'm usually watching them read "Democracy and the Market" or something.

OK, I am finally trying to take control of ByLine. So far, I have a lot of layout down, an article or two, an editor's note, a few staff members, some more ideas ("Is Bad TV Now an Art Form?," "Parental Politics"), and ....I 'm enforcing deadlines! And so, MishMish is supposed to be delivering an article on Monday, Gaby is hopefully giving me the seven deadly sins article on Wednesday, and I have to talk to Allie tommorow. I am finally letting the editor in me reveal herself!

During the big dinner in Cambridge, the Martha said "Men come and go, but your girlfriends are forever." This made me think, even if it may be a little bit bias coming from a twice-divorced woman. It gave me a nice feeling, like I'll always be able to rely on at least somebody. That's the amazing thing about a true friend, they'll stand by you. It's too bad girls can also be so mean, especially with the whole sixth grade "burn book scandal" going on right now.

My mom is yelling at me to get off the computer, or else I'd elaborate. And if anybody wants to write an article, you know where to find me...hey, maybe about HoYay?


Blogger VVM said...

Dude, you've got eight to nine more years of education left. That kicks ass. Us with the six-and-a-half aren't doing badly, either... high school is awesome, and I'm sure college will be too. Even though it's big and scary and all.

March 8, 2005 at 12:24 PM  
Blogger Rena san said...

you don't need to do sports... besides you play piano wonderfully and you are allready writing a newspaper. if you are free this tuesday a blues harp (as in a harp harp not a harmonica) guy is playing at this blues club and you should come with me! I miss you alot- and i actually mean it! How is your hand by the way? I hope you feel better!

July 19, 2005 at 12:34 AM  

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