Tuesday, August 02, 2005

In the swim

Alrighty, I promised to myself (and a few others) that I would atleast try to restart my blog. So here it goes:

I got back from camp about a week ago, it was great, even with the restrictions because of my hand (no grasping too hard, no putting to much weight on it, no heavy lifting, no throwing my wrist back). BUT, I kept myself busy with being in the play: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and I played Willy Wonka. Woohoo! They made me sing- it was hilarious. Hannah is convinced that Willy Wonka was actually my father. There is so much camp stuff, I have no idea what story I would tell. Here is a picture from the play (a.k.a. highwaisted green pants that button straight up the front, a purple suede oversized jacket...quite fashionable.)

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So anyway, I'm going to start of a photography course next week (YAY!), so be on the lookout for pictures from that as well.

I have decided that I love vermillion, especially my new vermillion jacket that I bought at a flea market with Renata and Veronica (while desperately searching for a yellow Sweetart). Wheeee!

I finally saw the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I thought it was okay. And Frankie, I think you were right about Johnny Depp being more feminine than I was. (Except for his stature. At camp, they kept on trying to teach me to stand like a man.)

I went to the eye doctor yesterday, and I finally asked about contacts. I want to get them, but I'm just not sure. I really love glasses and the ones that I have, but at the same time it is annoying when I have to take them off during amusements parks and have to hold on to someone so that I don't bump into a water slide, or have to keep pushing them back up my nose during a performance. I can't decide, but thats normal- I'm so indecisive (for example, spending 20 minutes with my other indecisive friend saying "What do you want to do?). Anyways, they had me do a contact lense fitting and had me practice putting one in. In short, I was a total spaz...I couldn't get it in except once. I'm supposed to come back next week.

P.S. I don't know if the date will show up correctly, I wrote it on 8/2/05. Also, the title is part of something I am going to try: Use a different cliché for every title, hopefully corresponding to the entry, courtesy of my copy of the Facts on File Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer. I don't know if it is a good idea, just thought I'd try it out.


Blogger VVM said...

Wahoo! You started blogging again! That jacket you bought was amazing, by the way, and so was its price. I think you AND Willy Wonka sound very trendy and I can't wait to read more!

August 6, 2005 at 12:35 AM  
Blogger VVM said...

Wahoo! You started blogging again! That jacket you bought was amazing, by the way, and so was its price. I think you AND Willy Wonka sound very trendy and I can't wait to read more!

August 6, 2005 at 12:35 AM  

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