Sunday, February 20, 2005

Tostitos and Algebra

That is basically what is going on this weekend. I am verrryyy bored. Nobody is around or free or anything so I'm stuck here at my dad's, where I have to sleep on the couch (whole other story) although I did put some good new music on my iPod (thanks, dad). One thing though, it that I watched Cold Mountain finally. It was awesome, and I can't really explain it, but the war scenes at the beginning were just so gorey but at the same time they were just so cool and somehow even somewhat pretty with all of the blood and dirt and mud and flesh and smoke and red and brown and black and white and life and death and I don't know. The rest of the movie dragged on a little bit, but that's OK. And it was fun saying "Oh like its lady woman!" and "Oh, look its that lady man guy!" and "It is that guy who is in that other thing who does that what he does!" In other news, Dad said he'd get some Bob Dylan tickets! Woohoo! You know what is really bothersome? When there is SOOOO much snow that it is supposed to be a snow day, but you don't have school anyway. Mr. Weatherguy says that there might be eight inches of white, cold, snowy snowiness. But its a four day weekend already! On Friday, everybody was getting back their Stuy results. Congratulations to those who got in...I didn't apply or anything. I just figured it wasn't really worth it, since a) I would probably just stay at Friends so studying or tutoring for it would be a waste of time and stress me out even more and b) I probably would be swiftly crushed under the math and science foot of the supposedly incredibly competitive environment. I also just wanted to relax this year, since last year was very stressed out and annoying and busy.

In English class, we had to write more business letters. Which suck. ( Seriously, have I ever wanted to be anything that has to do with business in a direct way ? NO.) This time we had to write a business letter about something that was bad and now we want compensation, and Mr. Byrne was making fun of me because I knew what he was talking about and that I seemed like a criminal. Oops! Haha. BUT, the point to this story is that earlier RB1 was telling him that he shouldnt show his emotions with body language. (Ugh. Why does RB1 have such a problem with people telling how they feel??) Then later, we both ended up having the same letter idea and was angry with me, and I said we could both do it. Mr. Byrne agreed but RB1 was angry, and was trying to hide it and giving me dirty looks. Then Mr. Byrne got RB1 back and stuck up for me and told RB1 to stop showing emotion . That was kind of funny. Personally, I think EMOTION IS COOL. So there. And so is conflict and all that stuff, I have many theories, but I'm gonna keep this blog relatively short.

Later that day, I had Jazz class and this guy named Myron or something was there. He was drumming and it was so cool and he had a great beat and it was really awesome, and Renata and I were talking about how old musicians were so awesome. Because they are. And then after class, I was playing piano, and he started playing the drums along with me , and before I knew it I was jamming and improvising and I was just so happy to just sit there and play some random music even though I kept messing up. The guy told me I was a good at improvising! That really made me glad to hear something like that from someone who I just met.

Oh, and Laura, I saw that mean anonymous person on your blog! And to that person, Mr. Anonymous, if you had the guts and really meant what you were saying you would stop being anonymous and annoying. So Laura, don't feel bad! Because the anonymous person is just trying to get on your nerves and get attention.

I can't remember what else I wanted to talk about, so I'm off to go read some more The Heart is A Lonely Hunter (a book that Mr. Byrne. gave to me) and listen to music...either Janis Joplin or Avenue Q, I'm not sure yet. Wow...that was varied music.