Friday, June 30, 2006

Two Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed

Sorry. My cousin Alex, who is 4, kept singing that when I visited this week.

Boy, did I pick a good time not to go back to camp in Pennsylvania. I would have been underwater by now, seriously. I'm too slow of a runner to escape the rain. Not to mention that when it rains at my old camp, camp sucked. They'd pack us all into tiny halls and make us watch bad blockbusters from one of the counselor's DVD stash or make us play weird "rainy day" games. In my first year, I had to run back across the entire camp to my cabin from the last rehearsal for the play, right before a tree branch came down right in front of our cabin.

Speaking of camp, I saw my friend Anna today. I am so horrible at keeping in touch with people, it's pathetic. It's not that I don't like the people I meet, in fact I really like most of them. However, I have kept in touch with her, and it was great. She goes to Stuy now, so she's one of my only friends who I don't have to explain in detail how to navigate the labyrinth of Battery Park.

I haven't written for a little bit again because after my last post I got kinda dissapointed because I don't think anyone read it...I guess I need to do a little more PR. After all, I hadn't posted until last month since last August.

I can't believe I leave in 5 days. My mom and I had to desperately search for a good, loud travel alarm clock because I can sleep through ANYTHING. Phones ringing next to my head, drilling next door, you name it. The only thing that has seemed to have had an impact is using my iPod alarm clock to blast Motown at 7 AM.

Most Disgusting Recent Experience: Sitting in a train car with NO AIR CONDITIONING in 9o degree weather on leather seats coming back from funeral on Long Island, only to walk out into Penn Station. Ugh, I hate the heat. I've had hot flashes since I was four years old, no joke.

"One fell off and bumped his head..."